
PHP7 기준 빈 객체 생성 방법 본문


PHP7 기준 빈 객체 생성 방법

전봉근 2019. 4. 2. 14:33

[PHP7 빈 객체 생성하는 방법]

In PHP 7 there are a few ways to create an empty object:



$obj1 = new \stdClass; // Instantiate stdClass object

$obj2 = new class{}; // Instantiate anonymous class

$obj3 = (object)[]; // Cast empty array to object


var_dump($obj1); // object(stdClass)#1 (0) {}

var_dump($obj2); // object(class@anonymous)#2 (0) {}

var_dump($obj3); // object(stdClass)#3 (0) {}



$obj1 and $obj3 are the same type, but $obj1 !== $obj3. Also, all three will json_encode() to a simple JS object {}:



echo json_encode([

    new \stdClass,

    new class{},





Outputs: [{},{},{}]​ 


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